In our fast paced society many of us often forget about the importance of taking time to be quiet. We get caught up in our busy lives, trying to meet deadlines and get tasks completed. Our electronic devices and social media further distract us as we find less time to find peace within ourselves. It […]
I have had a new awakening of sorts recently about love. I was encouraged by my recent discussions with friends that, in this time of great change, we indeed need to put our love into greater action. Why may you ask? First of all, I believe love is the greatest force there is. Compassion and […]
As the world pace quickens with the aid of technology people are increasingly wanting to do things quickly. Wisdom tells me differently. The more I meditate and reflect on this the more I am directed to slow down. It isn’t always an easy process, but I truly believe it is an essential action that we […]
If you can do nothing else in this life, you can try to love. Wherever your journey takes you, you can still love. The highest energy that you leave on this earth, in this lifetime, is love. Love transforms. Love creates. Our goal here on earth can confuse many. Yet I have come to a […]
Take time to notice your breath. Take a deep breath in, then breathe out… focus on this for a few minutes and let go of all thoughts and worries. How does this make you feel? For most of us this is a relaxing process, a way to calm down and reduce stress. Breathing is of […]
When we are positive and loving we create miracles for others. When we are authentic and reach out a helping hand the miraculous occurs. When we are reverent and gentle our energy influences those around us. Our positive and loving energy changes those around us. Miracle workers are light keepers, shining brightly for people to […]
Many of us are familiar with the term “Be Here Now” which was originally popularized by the spiritual teacher Ram Dass. Some have read his book, and many have read other books and articles pertaining to this wonderful message. “Being Present” is another term used by many spiritual and self help writers. I will treat […]
Practice Conscious Economics Be conscious of what you buy and how it affects others. Be conscious of buying things that hurt our earth, its creatures and our fellow humans. This is a task that is difficult to find perfection in, but every little step helps. Every dollar you spend makes a statement. Every company you […]
Many people are interested in living more meaningful lives in which their actions are based on ethical and compassionate principles and a larger awareness of life and our connection to the universe. As life gets faster and the world gets closer through technological advancements, many people are trying to grasp with how they live their […]