
The Health & Life Changing Benefits of MEDITATION

Stressed out in today’s world? Need to find a sense of peace? Meditation can change your life and those around you.

I offer Workshops & Retreats as well as personal one-one-one Coaching & Counseling to help you with learning meditation and mindfulness.

  • Individual Coaching & Counseling – Let me guide you in techniques to reduce stress and quiet the mind.
  • Workshops & Retreats – I offer both in person and online workshops on meditation and mindfulness.


The regular practice of Meditation alters your life in many positive ways. This simple easy-to-learn technique practiced once or twice a day can change your body & brain chemistry in some amazing ways. It can also help change the world around you.

Meditation can be done anywhere and at anytime. There are no strict requirements and it’s free. You do not have to be religious or spiritual. You do not have to change your lifestyle. You simply have to practice a simple technique that has changed millions of people’s lives, including my own.

Want to learn more about this life changing technique?

Start with reading one or both of my FREE ARTICLES to help you with meditation

a) Download my easy-to-follow article – “How to Meditate – A Quick Guide”

b) Download my “Tips on Breathing, Meditation and Reducing Stress” article.

What is Meditation and why is it beneficial to our Health & Well-Being?

Meditation has been utilized for thousands of years by various cultures and was recently “reintroduced” into modern Western culture during the past 50 years or so. It has gained quite a bit of popularity in the natural health circle because of its many benefits in reducing stress and achieving well-being. Many Westerners have now adopted a meditation practice as a spiritual and mental tool that is beneficial in many ways in our modern society.

Meditation is a practice of “stillness” and “mindfulness”, that of “letting go” so that the mind is able to release all thought. For some this is a spiritual journey, for others a way to reduce stress. Some science also views it as a connection with the larger energy field of the universe. Breathing is an integral part of meditation as is learning to let go of all thoughts and distractions. It is slightly different than prayer as the goal is to let go of all thoughts and focus on the deep inner silence of the present. Prayer, mantras, chanting, singing and affirmations can also be part of the meditation process.

Meditation is a process of slowing down the mind & body and letting go of all thoughts that may occupy our mind. By letting go we achieve a state of awareness that gives us both clarity and peace. We can then carry this with us in our daily lives making our normal experience less stressful and much more meaningful. It has been proven that the daily practice of meditation has many transforming health benefits. It also brings a sense of understanding, compassion and deeper awareness to people who regularly practice it.

How do you practice Meditation?

There are many forms of meditation that can be learned. It is not a difficult practice and one can learn fairly quickly the basic techniques. It does take some practice and discipline to integrate it into your daily life. It is open to all people and all beliefs. Most meditation is done sitting down in a relaxed position. There are also walking forms of meditation. Meditation can be any length, although having at least 15-30 minutes of focused time is ideal. Nature is a great medium for meditation and I encourage people to practice in a quiet natural setting whenever possible. It takes time to quiet the mind and remain in meditation, but there are no rules or time limits as to how you achieve this inner stillness. As you practice meditation you will learn that you can utilize it “on the go” and in quick moments to reduce stress or indecision.

Need some help getting started?

 Step 1Free Articles -check out one or both of my articles to help you with meditation and mindfulness.

a) Read my free easy-to-follow article – “How to Meditate – A Quick Guide”
b) Also try my Tips on Breathing, Meditation and Reducing Stress article.

 Step 2 –  Meditation and Mindfulness Workshops & Retreats. Please check out what we have to help you.

 Step 3Free Monthly Articles – You can also sign-up for my free articles & newsletter for regular info on these practices and other helpful techniques

Step 4 – Check out my Mental & Spiritual Well-Being and my Conscious Living webpage for related info and articles.

Step 5 – Individual Coaching and Counseling – I can offer you private one-on-one counseling in learning both meditation, mindfulness, sacred silence and stress reduction techniques. Please go to my Coaching and Counseling webpage for what I can offer you. I offer a free 30 minute phone consultation to get you started. Go to the link below to sign up.

Please Contact Me with your questions. I am here to help.

To your Well-Being !
Brian Heater