Love is a Verb. Take Conscious Steps on the Path of Loving Kindness
- August 4, 2019
- Posted by: Brian Heater
- Category: Conscious Living Mental & Spiritual Well-Being

If you can do nothing else in this life, you can try to love. Wherever your journey takes you, you can still love. The highest energy that you leave on this earth, in this lifetime, is love. Love transforms. Love creates. Our goal here on earth can confuse many. Yet I have come to a conclusion that no matter what we do, if we have love in our hearts we will help. It is not always easy of course. We are selfish creatures at times. Our ego gets in the way. Yet for the most part, if we are conscious, we can spread the love to others and to the world.
Love leaves an eternal vibration on all that you do. As the poet Maya Angelou reminds us – People remember not what you did, but how you made them feel. The emotion is the lasting part of the act. It is the verb and the action. Don’t you recall past events with emotion? The feeling is the glue that binds the memory to your mind. The feeling of love or hope, joy, enthusiasm, laughter, these higher frequency emotions are remembered. They become part of us and affect us. Granted emotions such as sadness or anger can also move us and be remembered. Yet when combined with a loving intent they usually try to move us towards a higher frequency. Love is the goal…this is the highest emotional frequency and the most powerful of all.
Life is in constant motion. So is love. It is not static; it ebbs and flows like our life does. As Dr David Hawkins notes in Power vs Force – “Loving is a state of being. It’s a forgiving, nurturing and a supportive way of relating to the world. Love isn’t intellectual and doesn’t proceed from the mind; Love emanates from the heart. It has the capacity to lift others and accomplish great feats because of its purity of motive.”
A verb is defined as “an action, occurrence, event or state of being”. When applied to love we can see how important it is to understand how love is a powerful and transforming action. Love is a state of being which affects those around us, including ourselves. Our thoughts and feelings create our overall energy field around us. When we are compassionate and loving this is felt by others. When we are angry or jealous this also affects those around us. What energy and feeling do we want to give to others?
All of the great teachers have directed us towards the heart. We find our guidance and wisdom from our heart. Love is the ultimate healing energy. It does not judge; it forgives. It is patient; it is kind. When we can access this energy within ourselves, even for a few times a day, we create miracles. And we transform.
Love does not have to be perfect. Love can be crazy. It doesn’t require any conditions except to try to live from the heart. We are human and make mistakes. We have a shadow side. We have an ego. It is through our focus on the heart though that we grow towards a higher calling, a higher consciousness. This is a life long journey. A path we take on a daily basis.
Everyone has their personal path to the heart. We show and feel compassion in various ways. There are many paths one can take. The important thing is to take one. Find your internal compass and take small steps each day. We all take detours. Yet with love as the goal we ultimately find what we are looking for. We change ourselves and those around us forever.
Brian M Heater is an author, new thought counselor and conscious living advocate. Check out his most recent books – the evolutionary love-in-action novel – The Mystic Paradigm – and his conscious living guidebook – 30 Steps to Conscious Living.
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