One of the most important steps you can take for Natural Health & for Natural Weight Loss is Cleansing. That is detoxifying your body…getting rid of all the toxins that are in you! It is most difficult if not impossible to reach Natural Health and Lose Weight without first cleansing your body. We are full […]
Your Body and its Connection to Mind, Spirit & Emotions – Our cell tissue holds the energy patterns of one’s attitudes and our belief systems. – Positive and Negative experiences register a memory in cell tissue as well as in your energy field. – Memory of experiences are stored in body tissue. – Every thought continuously […]
Below is a summary developed by Abraham, Esther and Jerry Hicks in their wonderful book about the Law of Attraction “Ask and It Is Given”. I highly recommend it. The scale is a list of the highest & most positive emotions to connect with, going down to the lowest and most negative. This gives you […]
Notes on Visualization, Affirmations, Meditation & Goals/Visions – Excerpt from “Start the Revolution Within” by Brian M Heater “Mental, Spiritual & Emotional Tune-Up” for your Success It is essential that you take time 1-3 times per day or more to give yourself a “mental tune-up” and get the sub-conscious and the energy field working […]